Friday, April 23, 2010

OFA Harlem Montly Meeting & Training - Sun. April 25 3:00-6:00

Now that the healthcare reform battle is won it's time to turn our attention to other matters. Wall Street reform, electing senators and congresspeople who will support the President and fight for change, working for a clean-energy economy, and protecting the progress we've already made, while still fighting for more, are just some of the battles ahead.

Will you be there with us? As we continue fighting for the President's agenda and gear up for the elections in the fall, we need to make sure we're all ready to organize as effectively as possible.

Join us on Sunday, April 25, 2010, for our monthly OFA Harlem meeting and Camp OFA Training. Come hear updates on healthcare reform and what's next for OFA and our supporters, learn more about our organization, find out about volunteer opportunities, and collaborate with other OFA volunteers as well as staff about best tactics to use going forward to help support President Obama's agenda. You'll learn the skills needed to organize local events and build neighborhood teams, and how to make the case for the President's agenda for change.

The details are below. Hope to see you Sunday.

OFA Harlem Monthly Meeting and Training
Sunday, April 25, 2010
3:00 - 6:00 PM
West Harlem Independent Democratic Club
1455 Amsterdam Avenue
New York, NY 10027

Thursday, April 1, 2010

National Census Day 4.1.2010

Today, community residents nationwide are being urged to take 10 minutes (if you live alone and don't have ADD, it is more like 2 minutes) to fill out and mail back the 2010 Census forms if you haven't done so already. This is particularly important for our population because the two hardest to count groups tend to be young people and minorities. We happen to fit into both categories so it's very important that we step up and get this done. If for some reason, you either didn't receive, lost or have questions about the Census forms, please click on the link attached that can tell you where your nearest questionnaire assistance center is located by zip code (

Why Fill Out the Census?
When we fill out the census form, we are making a statement about what resources our community needs going forward. Accurate data reflecting changes in our community are crucial in apportioning seats in the U.S. House of Representatives and deciding how more than $400 billion per year is allocated for projects like new hospitals and schools. That's more than $4 trillion over a 10-year period for things like new roads, hospitals, schools, and services like job training centers.
Please take a few minutes today to fill out this form. It is incredibly easy and at the same time very important to our community.