About Organizing For Harlem

Organizing for Harlem (OFH) is a civic organization committed to strengthening our community by getting young professionals more engaged in the political process.  OFH was created in 2009 to recapture the excitement of the presidential election by providing young people with opportunities to move our community forward.  OFH believes it’s impossible to fully realize the president’s agenda without an infrastructure for change and committed activists working tirelessly to achieve it.  Thus, OFH seeks to rebuild Harlem from the bottom up, empowering all citizens to take an active role in charting our community’s future. In the process, we hope to develop Harlem’s next generation of leaders.  

“From the Harlem Renaissance to the Gang of Four, Harlem has a rich history of accomplishment that our generation will have to preserve and uphold.” Organizing for Harlem president Corey Blay goes on to say that, “through hard work, persistence, and faith in one another, we can build up our community and write its next chapter.” 

Organizing for Harlem recognizes the immediate challenges residents throughout the community face and is fighting for change on the front lines.  OFH is answering President Obama’s call for greater civic engagement and community service by:  
  • Creating a network of young professionals who want to serve their community in ways big and small.
  • Connecting our members with community leaders and civic organizations.
  • Building meaningful partnerships and developing grassroots initiatives to address pressing issues facing our community.
  • Educating and empowering Harlem residents to make a difference in the community they live.
  • Joining with Organizing for America to support the president’s agenda on a local level.  
President Obama was elected in large measure, because voters between the ages of 18 and 35 overwhelmingly supported his vision for America’s future.  Their energy and ideas must be harnessed locally in order to move our communities forward as well. Organizing for Harlem founder, Brian Benjamin, believes, “OFH can be a place where talented young professionals, who are very active in other life endeavors, utilize their skills collaboratively with other important neighborhood constituencies to impact Harlem for the better.” 

By creating innovative programs to solve social issues, providing opportunities for residents to have their voice heard, and encouraging young people to take leadership roles in their community, Organizing for Harlem seeks to be the catalyst for change in Harlem and the beginning of a brighter future for all. 

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Follow us on Twitter: @ofHARLEM

Contact us to get involved or for general inquiries: organizingforharlem@gmail.com